Is India worth saving? Is democracy worth saving? These are the two fundamental questions we must address now - before it is too late. Indians values are disappearing rapidly as we lose our independence and our sovereignty. Every Indian is having the debt upon him at the time of his birth of 140 dollars, which is equivalent to Rs. 6000/- each. According to the calculation of World Bank in 2005 , India was ranked as debt ridden countries list at Seventh place. It was undergoing through the debt of 165.4 dollar upon each Indians. The continuation of dynastic rule by Gandhi era has become consciously or unconsciously the foreign Rule. No one Single handedly may elect the representative of the voter to the electoral college. The concept of spirit inherently personal choice of the voter to get their representatives in electoral college has been completely vanished. Exercise of liberty vote is overburdened with !) to evaluate expression less action performance at the behest of the people in power2)to select the candidate as representatives from the limited choice imposed upon the voters by party system 3) to express their adult franchises like a illiterate voters amongst the limited choice between the rascals nominated by party as god fathers mainly on the basis of money power or by choosing an idiot, who may be ruled with remote control even on the post of President and Prime Minister 4) Criminals may be given free hand to take a political decision under the garb of appeasement 5) Nehru- Gandhi nexus which remain responsible for creation of Pakistan has again risen their heads to divide India , Pakistan and Bangla Desh in many Segmentations. This is virtually the Concept of Rule of majority vote. The country is being dismantled after more than a half century of nation building. On 26th January, 1950, Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar said that India will become Independent Country. India has been lost by it’s infidelity and treachery by some of our own people. The invasion of Sind by Invader Momd. Bin Kasim as the Military commanders of King Dahar accepted the Bribes and they refused to fight. It was Jai Chandra “Arjun”, who invited Mohammad Ghori to invade Sri Prithivi Raj Chauhan and promised help of himself and of the King Solanki. History has been repeated in case of Afzal again. Their will be another hijacking of Plane to get him release. The attackers on the Court premises are well protected by these traitors living in our country and killing the so called infidels under the banner of Jihad?. Our independence , after creation of Pakistan is again in jeopardize and probably we may loose it forever On 23rd Feb. 2000 , Sri K.R. Narayanan, President of India promulgated “ The National Commission to Review the Working of the Constitution by a message:- Right of vote under universal adult Franchise gives Right and opportunity to participate Every men in Democratic process and select a Govt. However we all know that the election system in India may not get the rid to the system of Corruption, Crimilisation , money, nepotism , favoritism and Muscle power. Home Minister of India accepts in 2002: - There are the defect in election system, but it is difficult to blame for it to the Government, it’s officers, and to the Political Parties. Sri Bimal Jalan said that Common Citizen is concerned about Administrative apathy, Corruption and failure to provide Promised benefit to the poor Farmers. India is ranking Highest in the Global corruption level of World. Here is dismal Ranking in Human Development. We may see poverty as the caste to the people is placed above for elimination of poverty, alleviation, hunger, Illiteracy and health. This problem is Systemic and never projected like Episodic to the people. We are losing control of our most important industries. As we give up domestic ownership of our assets, we lose the most exciting and challenging jobs, which too often move to the new corporate headquarters outside India- and young people who want those jobs must follow. It's part of the brain drain. In effect, India has become a victim of "Globalization". We are told this process is both inevitable and good. It is only inevitable if we let it happen. It is only good for twenty percent of the world's richest and most powerful people. It is bad for the vast majority. We need debate for participation of 1000 people for electoral college candidates in future election process to come forward and eliminate the monopoly of limited Choice for selecting the representatives by the voters. There must be the implementation of systematic Solution , even at the cost of absurdity and obsessive- ness in the defective system. We have to search the effect- cause and relationship in reformative trends. There may be some strategy to represent majority of farmers for making a proposal to provide them the cost of International Market. There may be tortuous liability and lesser faire policy of functioning be made accountable. Let criminals may know that Crime is a bad Bargain to them. The license Quota System be abolished and Religious activities be prohibited on public Premises as secularity of nation in Multifarious religious country be Maintained
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