Friday, November 2, 2012

Fundamental Rights Versus Basic Justiciable Human right enforcement mechanism absent in our Nation

n India , as per constitution of india all citizens are

equal , have right to equal oppurtunity &

equitable justice irrespective of caste , creed , religion , etc. the

constitution has guaranteed these to every indian

citizen by way of CONSTITUTIONAL FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS. Also , every

humanbeing on earth has got HUMAN RIGHTS, by virtue of

his / her birth.


SERVANTS have forgotten this & are acting as lords ,

autocrats - unquestionable public masters. CONSTITUTIONAL

FUNCTIONARIES are PUBLIC SERVANTS appointed to serve the public,

public are the kings of democracy , they are the taxpayers &

paymasters of this very same public servants.

In India , corruption has spread it's tentacles far &

wide , it has not even spared the judiciary. The last

resort of commonman for seeking justice is judiciary , even there

corruption has spread.In present day India , if one

is rich , he can committ any type of crime & get away clean from

courts of law. there are corrupt police officials

who modify FIR , suppress evidences ,manipulate evidences , takes up

different line of investigation , fix innocents ,

coughs-up false confessions from innocents by 3rd degree torture ,

file B report closing the case , decides not to

appeal in higher court of law , etc , ALL FOR A PRICE. Just see the

list of millionnaire police officials who are

caught by karnataka lokayukta.

Next step , the prosecutor & defense advocate strikes a

deal , manipulates evidences , manipulates way

of presentation of case & way of argument favouring the rich crooks

for a price , as observed in high profile

BMW case involving public prosecutor IU KHAN & defense counsel RK

ANAND. In this way , if corrupt police & advocates ,

together manipulate the due process of law , the presiding judge is

left high & dry eventhough the judge is honest,

he is left helpless. to add to this , when the judge himself is

corrupt , people's last hope , democracy is dead. nowadays

we are hearing too many reports of irregularities in judiciary.

our publication has filed many appeals as PUBLIC INTEREST

LITIGATION before hon'ble supreme court of india,

but the vested interests there are not accepting it as PILs. WHAT DOES



The issues raised by us for sample :

1. sale of fake medicines & adulterated food products , beverages ,

colas affecting the health of millions of indians

& public of importing nations who are importing the same dangerous

products from india .

2. demolition , eviction of houses , lands belonging to poor dalits ,

tribals , backward castes by government authorities

whereas regularising illegal land encroachments , illegal buildings

by high & mighty people in total disregard to law.

in some cases government has even made contempt of court , by defying

court orders & enacting special laws all to favour rich land grabbers.

3. take the cases corporate frauds, violation of labour laws ,

pollution board laws , tax laws , etc by companies.

4. The reports in media about certain highly placed public servants

leaking india's defense secrets to foreign countries

& some politicians , film stars attending parties hosted by anti

nationals DAWOOD IBRAHIM & underworld dons in gulf

countries & elsewhere.

these type of appeals are for public good , national

security , as public are affected by them. still supreme court of

india is not considering

our repeated PIL Appeals.the courts have the authority to consider

even a post card , e-mail as a PIL Appeal , the courts

even have the right to initiate suo-motto action for public good ,

inspite of absence of any appeals / complaints.

over & above this at the time of my very first appeal my income was

very low & i was a retrenched factory employee who was eligible

for free legal aid, even free legal aid was not given to me.

Now , even to my repeated RTI Appeals the Honourable chief

justice of India & H.E.Honourable President of India

are not giving the requested information . these action of CJI &

PRESIDENT OF INDIA is aiding high & mighty criminals , anti

nationals ,

amounts to suppression of information , truth , evidences , which is a

cognizable offence.
We do have highest respect for all constitutional bodies ,

public servants , but it is an appeal to the

honest few in public service ,to bring to book their corrupt

colleagues.The Honourable Chief Justice of India & H.E.Honourable

President of India

have violated their oaths of office , failed in their constitutional

duties , suppressed material truths / informations & thereby


violated my Constitutionally guaranteed FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS & BASIC

HUMAN RIGHTS & Obstructing me from performing constitutionally


Hereby , i do

request you to legally prosecute the below mentioned public servants

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